SOME GAINS, BUT MORE ROOM FOR IMPROVEMENT IN NJ MATERNAL CARE LILO H. STAINTON | JUNE 4, 2019 Many Garden State birthing centers have more work to do to reduce cesarean sections and other potentially hazardous procedures Credit: Twenty20 Maternal care is getting better in New Jersey, a new report shows, but Garden State birthing centers still…Read More…
More than 3 out of 4 N.J. hospitals perform too many c-sections risking mom, baby’s health, report says
By Susan K. Livio | NJ Advance Media for The percentage of New Jersey hospitals delivering babies by cesarean section without medical necessity — a practice that can place mothers and their babies at risk of serious complications — declined last year but remains higher than the national average, according to a report released Wednesday. The…Read More…
NJ Spotlight Daily Number
8 MAY 29, 2019 New Jersey has made significant progress in maternity care in the past two years. At the same time, a new report has found that only eight hospitals in the Garden State fully meet three key measures of care — just one in six of the 49 hospitals surveyed in New Jersey. The 2019…Read More…
Leapfrog Maternity Report Finds Reduction in Early Elective Deliveries and Episiotomies Nationally
For Immediate Release Contact: Carol Ann Campbell (973-567-1901) Leapfrog Maternity Report Finds Reductions in Early Elective Deliveries and Episiotomies Nationally Cesarean Sections in New Jersey Decline, But 38 Hospitals Still Have Rates Above Leapfrog Standards PRINCETON — The 2019 Maternity Care Report by The Leapfrog Group, a national watchdog organization focused on health care safety…Read More…
Murphy takes action to reduce the shocking number of N.J. mothers who die during or soon after childbirth
Jaye Wilson, founder and CEO of the support group, Melinated Moms, speaks about her challenging pregnancies, as First Lady Tammy Murphy, Gov. Phil Murphy and Newark Mayor Ras Baraka listen at University Hospital in Newark. Murphy signed a package of bills Wednesday aimed at reducing the mortality rate of new mothers. By Susan K. Livio |…Read More…
Gov. Phil Murphy signs four laws to make childbirth safer for mothers, babies
Lindy Washburn, North Jersey Record Published 2:22 p.m. ET May 8, 2019 | Updated 5:59 p.m. ET May 8, 2019 Four laws intended to make birth safer for mothers and babies in New Jersey were signed into law Wednesday by Gov. Phil Murphy in Newark. Black women in New Jersey are five times more likely to die from childbirth complications than…Read More…
Pioneering Midwife Joins Quality Institute Board
We are thrilled that Linda Sloan Locke, CNM, MPH, LSW, has joined the Quality Institute’s Board of Directors, and we are so pleased to introduce her to our members. Linda’s experience and passion for maternal child health make her a valuable addition to our leadership. As you can read in the Take Five below, Linda…Read More…
Extend Medicaid Coverage for New Moms
Recently I was invited to share testimony in Trenton on a package of bills to improve outcomes for new mothers and their babies. I provided testimony to both the Assembly and the Senate Health, Human Services, and Senior Citizens Committees. As the state explores ways to reduce maternal deaths, one overarching change seems absolutely necessary:…Read More…
N.J. hospitals’ plan to reduce C-section rates looks strong
Published on the Press of Atlantic City New Jersey’s 49 hospitals that deliver babies began an initiative in April that is intended to reduce cesarean-section deliveries 10 percent by next June and by nearly a third eventually. C-sections, in which babies are delivered not through the pelvic opening but by cutting through the maternal abdomen,…Read More…
NJ Hospitals Adopts Protocols to Reduce Unnecessary C-Sections
Published by Lilo H. Stainton on NJ Spotlight. Cesarean delivery comes with a number of risks for mothers and babies, including blood clots, cardiac complications, asthma and diabetes. All 49 of the hospitals that deliver babies in New Jersey have signed on to an initiative to reduce the number of unnecessary cesarean section births, a…Read More…