2023 Champion of Health Form
The Mayors Wellness Campaign recognizes the important health and wellness work being done in your communities would not be possible without the dedication of the individuals moving the MWC and its initiatives forward. We want to provide an opportunity to recognize someone in your town that you consider to be a MWC Champion of Health. This person should be active in the health and wellness activities of your town, and someone who is passionate about improving the lives of your residents. Nominees can be municipal employees, volunteers, or other stakeholders working with your MWC program.
Applications are due on Friday, November 3rd at 5pm and the winner will be announced on Thursday, December 14th.
Winners will be:
· presented with a plaque,
· featured on our website, and will be
· highlighted in a press release, newsletter, and social media announcements.
Any town that submits a nominee will be entered into the Incentive Drawing for the chance to win funding towards your programming.
For questions or more information, contact the MWC Program Officer, Julie DeSimone, at jdesimone@njhci.org or call 609-452-5980.