Jan Siegal, Director of Quality, Clinical & Regulatory Affairs
In her role as Director of Quality, Clinical and Regulatory Affairs at the Health Care Association of New Jersey (HCANJ), Jan’s responsibilities include assisting members with their quality and clinical operations. Prior to joining the staff at HCANJ, Jan served with the New Jersey Department of Human Services (DHS), most recently as the administrative Manager of the Northern Regional Office of Community Choice Options (OCCO), a position she held for five years. Prior to that, Jan served as the Acting Field Office Manager, and then Field Office Manager for five years. She also health the positions of Global Option Specialist and Community Choice Counselor.
Prior to her time with DHS, Jan served as DIrector of Health Services for Chelsea Senior Living, Nurse Coordinator for the Social Adult Day Program at Union Hospital, and Wellness Services Coordinator and Wellness Registered Nurse for Sunrise Senior Living.
Jan is the recipient of the Fanwood Borough Volunteer of the Month for her work with the Fanwood Board of Health Care, and the Florence Alice Held Award for Excellence in Nursing. She is a Certified Assisted Living Administrator and has completed CMS training, leading to certification in completing annual surveys and complaint investigations in nursing centers.