Take Five
Take Five with Adelisa Perez, BSN, RN-BC, Director of Quality
Adelisa Perez, a Registered Nurse, is the Quality Institute’s new Director of Quality. Can you outline the focus of your role? I will oversee all of our quality initiatives, such as our work with the Leapfrog Group, and I will work with Linda Schwimmer on the National Quality Forum. I’ll also oversee the Mayors Wellness Campaign…Read More…
Take Five with Marlene Caride, Commissioner, Department of Banking and Insurance
Marlene Caride, a former member of the New Jersey General Assembly, was named to lead the Department of Banking and Insurance (DOBI) in January. She took the oath of office as Commissioner in June. Recently she discussed her goals in our Take Five. What do you think are the most important steps the department can…Read More…
Take Five with Adrian Diogo
Adrian Diogo is Director of the Mayors Wellness Campaign at the Quality Institute. You work in health care policy. Why did you decide to train to become an Emergency Medical Technician and to now volunteer as an EMT? I thought that being on the front lines of health care and actually providing care would inform…Read More…
Take Five with Erine Gray
Erine Gray is the founder of Aunt Bertha, a Public Benefit Corporation. Aunt Bertha has been called the “Google of social services.” How did you come up with the idea? I’m from a small town in Western New York and my mom had Encephalitis, a rare brain disease. She became disabled when I was 17…Read More…
Take Five with Dr. Pauline Chen
Dr. Pauline Chen will be the keynote speaker of our Conversation of Your Life (COYL) Breakfast on June 12. Dr. Chen, author of Final Exam, is a powerful speaker, writer and advocate for patients at the end of life. Through your work as a transplant surgeon and experience with terminally ill patients, you came to…Read More…
Take Five with Carole Johnson, Commissioner, New Jersey Department of Human Services
How is Medicaid approaching care for complex populations, particularly children? I’m really proud of the number of important investments that we’re making to modernize Medicaid in the governor’s budget. That includes investing $17 million in new state and federal funds that are going to help us expand autism spectrum disorder benefits for children. There are…Read More…
Take Five with CPR’s Suzanne Delbanco
Suzanne Delbanco is Executive Director of Catalyst for Payment Reform, a non-profit corporation working to catalyze employers, public purchasers, and others to implement strategies that produce higher value health care. Delbanco will be the keynote speaker of the Quality Institute’s All Council Conference: Power of the Purchaser, on May 16. For large employers that self-fund…Read More…
Take Five with Commissioner Elnahal
Shereef M. Elnahal, M.D., M.B.A. The son of physicians who grew up in Atlantic County, Dr. Elnahal became Acting Health Commissioner in January after serving in the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs as Assistant Deputy Under Secretary for Health for Quality, Safety, and Value. He received a dual-degree M.D. and M.B.A. with Distinction from Harvard…Read More…
Take Five with Virginia Tesser
Virginia Tesser has joined the Quality Institute as Membership Coordinator Can you describe your new role at the Quality Institute? I support Tyla Housman, the Vice President of External Affairs, to develop and engage our membership. That means reaching out to potential new members and strengthening our engagement with existing members. I also will…Read More…
Take Five with Kevin Kelleher
Kevin Kelleher, Director of Research and Economic Services at New Jersey Education Association, the union representing New Jersey’s professional educators. As a member of the School Employee Health Benefits Design Committee, can you tell us how you tried to make the health care benefits program more effective and efficient? The charge of the committee is…Read More…